Wednesday, August 14, 2024


The conversion of Bruce

One church I pastored in country New South Wales was dominated by the Shire Clerk treasurer organist and Masonic leader. The normal stay of a pastor at that baptist church was 9 months. He would depart with the church cheque book and starve them out. For 30 years he did this. I arranged an automatic transfer of funds while he was away too his hatred and annoyance. A few months later I ran into the local building inspector. "What's going on at your church ?" I looked across at our building: it wasn't on fire and only my car was there. "Bruce is nice!" At that moment his secretary walked bye. "Yes Bruce is nice! Can we come to your church and find out what's going on?"
Two weeks later we needed to discipline a sour old farmer in our church. He presented at the deacons meeting "Bruce, you're a mason….!" Oh no. They were both masons! There was going to be blood on the floor and it was all going to be mine!
Bruce looked at me then the floor then the other men, then Keith the farmer, then me, the floor. "I used to be a mason until a few weeks ago. I gave my heart to Jesus, He came in and now there's no more room in my heart for the Lodge!"
All our jaws dropped. We were all speechless until Keith spoke "pastor everything you said about me is right! I'll get my life right now and I'll sort out my wife too!"

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