Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Father’s Day

This weekend: Father's day in Australia ...
it is a truth that for many people this is something that is awkward.... for some people their dads are at best a disappointment and at worse a tragic tale of abuse and madness, to say nothing of those who grieve over not having a dad or being able to become a dad, and so we could ask is Father's day worth celebrating? Indeed the same can be said about mother's day. Yet the scriptures remind us that there is a rightness about honouring our father and mother. Parents ought to be honoured and be honourable. They are to love, provide and protect ... That's the ideal; and when that does not happen - that is not God's fault. It does, however, give us an insight into the reality of sin in our lives and in society. The good news is - sin can be forgiven. God Himself offers to be the ultimate Father to us. He offers us all that an earthly father should give in comfort, strength and encouragement.  
When we say Father we express God's nature, as in all eternity past In the trinity, the Triunity of the Godhead, the Father is always in eternal relationship with the Son, Jesus. These are deep truths hard to comprehend but revealed in scripture. 

When we say Father, we also expect His nurture. Calling Him Father infers that we are His children. When we become Christians, we are supernaturally born again. His very life comes into us. 

We can find great comfort in knowing we have His care. Matthew 6:31-33 NASB95 - Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

We also have His correction.  Hebrews 12:7 NASB95 - God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

We also have His companionship. Matthew 6:8-9 NASB95 - So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. 9" Pray, then, in this way 'Our Father who is in heaven." You can come to Him anytime any day and talk to Him and call Him Father. 

And we have His compassion. A true father would die for his children. That is exactly what God the Father did when He sent Jesus to take on the sins of the world.

As we Father's experience our Great Father's Care, Correction, Comfort and Compassion, so we can express this to our own children, no matter what our personal experience of Fatherhood may have been. 


Happy Father's Day guys.  Trust yourself to our great Father. 

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