Thursday, January 26, 2023


Australia Day John Newton to Richard Johnson Australia’s first pastor

Celebrating Australia Day brings to mind John Newton's poem 'To Johnson On His Departure Bay'

The Lord who sends thee hence will be thine aid;
In vain at thee the Lion, Danger, roars:
His arm and love shall keep thee undismayed
On tempest tossed seas and all strange shores.

Go, bear the Saviour's name to lands unknown,
Tell to the Southern World His wondrous grace;
An energy divine thy words shall own,
And draw their untaught hearts to seek His face.

Many in quest of gold, or empty fame,
Would compass earth, or venture near the Poles;
But how much nobler thy reward and aim,
To spread His grace, and win immortal souls!

(That's the sort of Christianity that puts wind in your sails/souls)

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