Saturday, February 09, 2008




Thursday February 14th  at 2 pm and  then again at

7 pm at the Newcastle  Baptist Tabernacle 


Don't miss this tremendous opportunity to hear acclaimed speaker Ann Cretin from the Southern Baptist Convention's Lifeway organisation.

Ann, with her husband Steve has been a missionary for many years throughout Asia, serving the Lord through conference work.

Ann will be introducing us to The Search For Significance.

Have you ever struggled with feelings of inferiority?

Do you find that guilt sours your relationships and governs your life?

Do you struggle with who you are and why you are here?

You need to hear Ann.

Some resources will be available for purchase, but this FREE conference will be an unmissable experience for your wife.

The second session at 7:00 pm will repeat the teaching of the afternoon, so that you can encourage friends or family members to benefit from this wonderful opportunity to hear and meet Ann Cretin.

Again, this seminar is FREE! Elsewhere you would have to pay hundreds of dollars to hear a speaker like Ann, but, as an introduction to Lifeway Christian education materials, these seminars are free.

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