Sunday, April 30, 2006
The other fellow called the bet and said, "Good morning, Mrs. Thompson, what do you think about the devil?"
Mrs. Thompson cocked her perky little head over to one side and said, "Well, there's one good thing about him. He is always on the job."
Well, I can absolutely assure you that that is correct. And because he is always on the job, we're going to have to be vigilant in resisting him.
An elderly preacher is reported to have prayed the following prayer each day: "O, Lord, give me a backbone as big as a saw log and ribs like the large timbers under the church floor. Put iron shoes on my feet and galvanized britches on my body. Give me a rhinoceros hide for skin and hang up a wagonload of determination in the gabled end of my soul. Help me to sign the contract to fight the devil as long as I've got a tooth - and then gum him until I die."
Two friends were talking about a political candidate running for office. One was quick to voice his opinion. He said vociferously, "I think so and so is a socialist at heart. He's a compromiser; he never stands firm; he accommodates those who will get him where he wants to go. I think he's a woman-chasing liar who doesn't deserve the office." The other friend responded, "Tell me now, how do you really feel?"
That is exactly what Paul meant when he wrote, "Now the Spirit expressly says...." The New American Standard version says, "Now the Spirit speaks explicitly."
Twice in Winston Churchill's illustrative career, he stepped down form a prominent office to take a lesser position. The second time he stepped down was after he had become the Prime Minister of England. For ten years, he lived in virtual obscurity, and during this retreat, he stayed abreast of all the political developments in
been the truth - there was great cause for alarm.
I explained that in the 60's thee was a major drift out of the churches. The problem was two fold.
Firstly the society became secular through the influence of the government school system.
Christian teachers were told that they were not allowd to promote Christian beliefs, and some were told that they had to put aside their christian beliefs in order to become teachers.
Secondly the church became secular through this same pervasive influence. Doctrines of demons!
Today there is a great cause for alarm. And God's word tells us clearly to be prepared. "The Spirit explicitly says..."
The clear word from God's Holy Spirit is about deceitful spirits. The word deceitful means "to lead astray." The structure of the sentence makes it clear that the deceitful doctrine is being taught by demons.
If the demons can dismantle the Christian world view, they can lead people to believe there is no need of a Saviour.
This demonic secularisation of our soiety has focussed upon three areas:
1. The Area of Science (Evolution)
There has never been a more clearly stated departure from the Bible and the teachings of God's Word than
With the rise of Darwinism, man has progressively moved from belief in God to an intellectual world view of creation based on a flawed theory that has never been proven. Yet, in scientific circles today, you are not considered intelligent if you believe in biblical creation. But no rational thinking scientist could truly hold to evolution if he is in touch with the facts and the many evidences that refute Darwinism. I call your attention to three:
The first is the evidence of design. Paul Amos Moody, a theistic evolutionist, has said:
Evidences of design are everywhere about us; the forces producing the design are the so-called "laws of nature," many of which still await discovery. The greatest aspect of design visible to us is in the ordered movement of the stars and planets in this solar system and in other solar systems extending on and on through space - a design almost incomprehensibly large. At the other extreme we find all matter composed of invisible atoms, each of which in turn is a solar system almost inconceivably small, with electrons swinging in orbits around the atomic nuclei somewhat as planets circle about the sun....And so it goes - everywhere there is design. Everything is conforming to definite forces acting upon it, is obeying natural laws applicable to its particular state. Whence come these natural laws? There we find the Creator.
Denton, in his book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, says:
Molecular biology has shown that even the simplest of all living systems on earth today, bacterial cells, are exceedingly complex objects. Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small...each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world.
With such perfect design, doesn't it seem logical to even a non-scientist that there must be a designer?
Second is the evidence of DNA. The ability of DNA to provide unprecedented evidence in criminal trials has become common knowledge to even the most uneducated of laypersons as a result of the sensationalism of some recent cases. We all have come to know that each person's DNA contains his genetic information code. One scientist, Charles Thaxton, believes that DNA is the most powerful indicator of intelligent design because it has a structural identity similar to a written language. He insists that we can assume that DNA is the result of intelligence because it is so similar to human languages which are, without exception, the products of intelligence.
Another scientist has pointed out the fact that if all the DNA in one's body were placed end-to-end, it would stretch from here to the moon over 100,000 times. At the same time, if this densely coded information were placed in typewritten form, it would completely fill the
The third evidence against the theory of evolution is the existence of the second law of thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics state:
1) Energy in a system cannot be created or destroyed.
2) In a system, the amount of disorder, or entropy, must increase and the amount of useful energy must decrease.
What does it mean? Everything is running downhill. As Wilder-Smith has said:
...Order tends to disintegrate into disorder, just as water tends to flow down the mountain rather than up to the mountaintop. Order descends to chaos, just as a city with no cleaning, repair and disposal services descends to chaos with the passage of time...The theory of evolution teaches, when all the frills are removed, just the opposite to this state of affairs demanded by the second law of thermodynamics. Evolutionists assume that nonliving carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms, nitrogen atoms, etc., as they "fluttered down" through the ages since the beginning of time, have slowly ordered and organized themselves into more complex, more energy-rich, less chaotic forms. (see Notes #4)
Evolution says things are always moving upward, but reality says things are moving downward, from order to disorder. The theory of evolution is academic gymnastics working in an egocentric mind in order to displace God from the throne and place self upon it.
2. The Area Of Philosophy (Secular Humanism)
Paul warned Timothy that the day would come when people would fall away from the faith because they had given precedence to the doctrine taught by demons.
The secular humanist theory insists that there are certain dominant systems of ideas that are the foundation of patterns of thought and actions during given periods of history, but after a certain time, these systems of ideas are human life. History then waits until a new system is birthed and becomes the new dominant system.
Therefore the humanist considers certain ideologies to be outdated. You can rest assured that if your world view accepts the existence of God, and if you believe in the supernatural, you will be scoffed at by humanists, who consider Christianity to be a primitive ideology.
3. The Area of Hedonism
The demons realize that if they can divert our minds in the area of the scientific so that we deny our Creator God and change our philosophy from theocracy to humanism, the natural progression results in an overemphasis on physical pleasure or hedonism.
Hedonism seems to have been the by-product of gnosticism, the philosophy Paul dealt with in
Gnosticism has made a revival in our secular culture. It has received renewed impetus through the movie that is about to be released called "The Davinci Code" and the current news story last week concerning the "Gospel of Judas".
The gnostics believed that the flesh was all bad and the spirit was all good. If God is spirit, then He is altogether good and cannot possibly touch something as evil as matter. Therefore God could not have created the world. Creation came about as a series of emanations from God, each one a little more distant from God, until the end of the series was so distant that it could touch and handle matter, thus this emanation created the world. Gnostics also believed that Jesus was a spirit who appeared to be flesh and blood, because God, being spirit, could not possibly be flesh and blood (matter) at the same time.
The end result of this philosophy was manifestd in two diametricaly opposing views: asceticism and hedonism. The ascetics were scrupulously legalistic with all kinds of laws and restrictions. You can read of this form right here in 1Timothy 4 where Paul speaks of those who were making rules about what foods you can and cannot eat.
The hedonists, on the other hand, declared that since the flesh and the spirit are two totally different things, one can be pure in his spirit while giving himself to the pleasures of the flesh because, after all, the flesh is incapable of goodness. In other words, do what you want and don't worry about it. This corresponds fairly well with the philosophy of "the Davinci Code"
This logic says that morals don't matter. God is so far off and cares so little for His creation, that you can live as you like.
John MacArthur, in his book, The Vanishing Conscience, has put it well: Remove the reality of sin, and you take away the possibility of repentance. Abolish the doctrine of human depravity and you void the divine plan of salvation. Erase the notion of personal guilt and you eliminate the need for a Savior. Obliterate the human conscience, and you will raise an amoral and unredeemable generation.
I do a lot of funerals for non Christians. 70% of these are for folk who believe in God! They believe in God, but they want to keep Him at a respectable distance. They want $3 worth of God please, just enough to salve their conscience, but not enought to change their lifestyles. Just enough to make them respectable, not enough to run their lives.
How do you deal with these doctrines of demons? Get some truth and deal with it!
There is an answer. The truth is: ...All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God [Romans3:23].
Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!
If we will recognize God as the Creator, Jesus as the Savior, and ourselves as the sinners, and acknowledge our need for Him, we can disregard the demon doctrines and find in HIm, the power to change. He will change us.
Paul warned Timothy because he knew that if the devil could convince mankind that there is no Creator, man might believe that there are no absolutes, but only systems of ideas that change as society changes. Then he would never have a firm mooring, and he could simply gratify the lusts of the flesh and become so preoccupied with himself that he could spend his entire existence upon the earth without God, die, and go into eternity without God. This is the final outcome of believing the demon lies. But listen up, the direction from God is to believe His Word, reject the foreign philosophies, and walk with Him who said: ...I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly [John
Joshua faced a secular and strange world view. He called to the people of
Joshua 24:15 But if it doesn’t please you to worship the Lord, choose for yourselves today the one you will worship: the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord.”
There is a COST to follow Christ. There is a Cost to resisting the flow of the secular world view.
It begins with C Choosing.
choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
You need to make a choice between doctrines of demons that pervade our culture, or Jesus Christ.
C Choose.
O Obey. You need to obey the Lord Jesus Christ. He is called the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Some people think theyc an have Him as Saviour, but the Lord thing.. they’d rather let that go for another day> He is called the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You can’t have one without the other. If you call Him Saviour you must Obey Him.
You Must
C Choose Him.
O Obey Him.
S Submit to Him as Lord of your life. In every thought word and deed submit to His leading upon your life.
T. Trust Him. Will you entrust your life and soul to Him who is your Saviour and Lord?
Will you do that right now? Let’s pray.
1 Paul Amos Moody, Introduction To Evolution (New York: Harper and Rowe, 1970), 497-498,
2 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis (Bethesda, Maryland: Adler and Adler, 1986), 250
3. John F. MacArthur, Jr., The Vanishing Conscience (Dallas, Texas: Word Publishing, 1994), 11.